What it takes to be a great leader

Today, Val Iwashita, former Headmaster of ‘Iolani School and Ruth Fletcher, Academy Dean at Punahou School reflected on their principles of a good leader. The following are some of my favorite nuggets from their sharing:

Great leaders…

  • understand that it’s more difficult to teach someone how to fish than to give a fish
  • consciously know that everything we do, decisions we make as leaders add values to our leadership
  • build trust that come from honesty, authenticity, walking the talk
  • respect the institution and people they are associated with in that institution
  • have drive, passion, work ethic to the institution
  • look to the future – the higher you are in the hierarchy, the harder you must look into the future

TED Talk by Roselinde Torres – “What makes a great leader?” pre-reflection

  1. Where are you looking to anticipate change? – What are you choosing to do?
  2. What is the diversity of measure of your network? Who are you spending time with?
  3. Are you courageous enough to abandon the past? – “Great leaders dare to be different.”


  1. List 5 activities that you done regularly that you commit time to do within the organization or personally? Choices you make personally or professionally
  2. List 5 people that you regularly spend time with and why?
  3. One life goal professional or personal after finishing the doctorate?

Further reading:



About Vid Raatior

Dr. Vid Raatior is a proud Chuukese Micronesian international educator, consultant, and social entrepreneur who lives in Northern California.