Support English Language Learners in Hawaii

Aloha! Alii! Bula! Hafa Adai! Iakwe! Kaselehlie! Malo e Lelei! Mogethin! Paing Kom! Fairo! Olomwaai! Ran Karea! Talofa! Wenimomoto!

​The Hawaii Board of Education (BOE) will be searching for a new  superintendent for the Department of Education (DOE). Dr. Patricia Halagao, a colleague in UH Manoaʻs College of Education has been invited to serve on the 11-member Advisory Group to support the Search Committee in the selection and hiring process. Patricia has been actively leading the community advocacy efforts to add policies, resources, personnel to DOEʻs structure to support English Language Learners (ELL), multilingual education, and bi-literacy programs.

​2-Minute Action: Please help support the children in Hawaiʻi who speak a language other than English by taking less than 2 minutes. The BOE has released an online survey to gather public input into the characteristics of the new superintendent. Please click here to access the short survey where you can check off 9 of 22 characteristics. If you can please help us add in the comments section something about the need for the new superintendent to be knowledgeable, supportive, or engaged in issues related to English learners, multilingualism, and bi-literacy initiatives. The survey is open until February 27, 2017, 8:00 a.m.

If you need help or encounter problems, please visit the BOE’s site:



About Vid Raatior

Dr. Vid Raatior is a proud Chuukese Micronesian international educator, consultant, and social entrepreneur who lives in Northern California.