Island Soldier – coming soon

As you might know I serve as the consultant and cultural advisor for the soon-to-be-released documentary film, Island Soldier. Directed & produced by Nathan Fitch (former Peace Corps Volunteer in Kosrae, FSM), Island Soldier is about Micronesian citizens serving in the US military.  I believe the film will bring some awareness to the future of my small island nation of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the strategic recruitment of our young citizens, the pride and struggles of our island veterans and Gold Star parents. Whether you support the military or not, this documentary simply tells another view from the voices of our people who are most  positively and negatively impacted by this “special relationship” between the US and the Micronesian island nations of FSM, Marshall Islands, and Palau.

Nathan and our production team in New York are putting the final edits before we begin public screenings. Today, the team released the official trailer on Vimeo. We invite you to see it and share the link with your network to generate public awareness of the project.

[Note: this new trailer is different from our Kickstarter fundraising trailer two years ago]

For more information or to sign up to receive news and updates or if you wish to sponsor a future screening / discussion in your area, please visit our film website:




About Vid Raatior

Dr. Vid Raatior is a proud Chuukese Micronesian international educator, consultant, and social entrepreneur who lives in Northern California.